How to create advanced- content that makes 
cool, rich people wanna buy your stuff. 

In this 4-part 108-min mini-course, 
here's what you'll get:
In this 4-part 108 minute minicourse, here's some of what you'll get:

☉My complete 7-figure content-strategy:
Full breakdown of exactly what I'm doing NOW, to wake up with inbound leads every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 day 👏🏼

☉Dream Client Psychology:
How to craft your messaging so you say the right things, to the right people, in the right way. Always. (+ the 3 stories you must tell if you want to attract zero-resistance buyers)

☉Topics & Hooks:
creating content is easy. Creating deeply resonant-content is hard. Here we dive into scoll-stopping topics, hooks & high-value keywords... so you go from ignored, to in-demand.

☉Content audit:
The 6 question framework you can apply to always understand what's working, and what's not, with your content strategy. (aka ask these q’s to know exactly what needs to change)

Right now, it’s $200. 
And by Thursday at 5pm pacific it’ll go up to $300.

So if you want to save $100, now’s the best time to get it.

Not convinced? Scroll down and
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$5000 - 1 Hour Consulting Call: If you wanna spend 60 mins with me on zoom, covering anything and everything you want, buy this :)

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Dynamically Updated $XX.00
Price increases to $300 Thursday 5pm PST.
As I'm writing this it’s 11:12am here in Bali, and the business has already collected $20,733.87USD.

All resulting from simple - but strategic - social content.

In the last 11 months I’ve onboarded over 100 new clients, and despite rapid growth in profits and community-size… business has never felt more fun (& low stress).

The secret?

Lipfillers & botox.
jk. 😘

I’ve learned the content-strategy to attract really high calibre dream-clients, helping me go from ignored to in-demand.

And this last week I’ve just finished a 4-module mini-course on the exact advanced frameworks I use to do it.
It’s called Money Messaging.
Tagline: How to create content that makes cool, rich people wanna buy your stuff.

I get it. It’s a bit crass. Lol.

But the strategies I share are:
- Not for complete beginners
- Are designed to ONLY attract dream clients.

Dream clients who pay, stay, and refer… for years.

People who feel like a DREAM to work with.

If you’ve been in the online space for a while, you’ll understand there’s a big difference between good-fit & bad-fit clients.

In the beginning, a great client is simply someone with a heartbeat & credit card.

But the more clients you work with, you realise there are people you love working with… the ones you wish you could clone 1000 times.
And then there are the ones that aren’t necessarily bad people. They’re just bad fits.

Expectations don’t align.
The vibe is off.
The values are different.
Wanting guarantees or promises.
They need you to get them results ASAP.

Blowing up your support channels because they need MORE of you.

Sometimes - let’s be honest - they’re just be energy vampires.

But when you create the right content for the right people (we call this megaphone vs whistle marketing) attracting & retaining clients feels… well... almost effortless.

In the last year, i’ve drastically changed the way I create content.

Yeah, there have been system-changes… like adding in more long form and email.

But so much of it has come down to what I teach in this mini course.

And here’s some of what I cover:
☉My 7-figure content strategy: Full breakdown of exactly what I'm doing NOW, to wake up with inbound leads every single day 

☉ Dream Client Psychology: How to craft your messaging so you say the right things, to the right people, in the right way. Always. (+ the 3 stories you must tell if you want to attract zero-resistance buyers)

☉Topics & Hooks: creating content is easy. Creating deeply resonant-content is hard. Here we dive into scoll-stopping topics, hooks & high-value keywords... so you go from ignored, to in-demand.

☉ Content audit: The 6 question framework you can apply to always understand what's working, and what's not, with your content strategy. (aka ask these q’s to know exactly what needs to change)

It’s 4 modules. 108 mins total.

And it’s designed to give you everything you need (& nothing you don’t), to attract more dream clients through your content.
No more settling for just anyone who’s willing to pay.

I want to show you how I wake up to inbound leads from people who feel like a dream to work.

Again, this is NOT for beginners.

You must be already creating content and signing clients.
And you’re looking to get to that “next level”

Right now, it’s $200.

And by Thursday at 5pm pacific it’ll go up to $300.

(and if you think it sucks i’ll give you your money back no worries)

So if you want to save $100, now’s the best time to get it.

Dan ⚡️

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